Tales from the Trenches
Feedback from potential consumers, the people it would really make a difference for!
"Our family came to the country while the city is on lockdown. Having been indoors for so many weeks, my toddler with DS [Down Syndrome] tries to get outdoors whenever she can. She takes a stroll, jumps in the rain puddles or just wanders away. This bracelet would help so much. We would notice instantly that she is attempting to leave the house. I would be the first one to purchase it! Let me know when it becomes a reality."
Sarah Begin, Mother of a Toddler with Down Syndrome
"As a special needs teacher my students' safety is of utmost importance to me! The fear of them wandering away is a great one. Therefore, when I heard about the possibility of a product that would immediately notify me when they wandered more than 15 feet, I was thrilled! This bracelet would be a total life-changer for me and my students- keeping us all safe!!"
Tehila Anton- Special Education Teacher at SCHI (School for Children with Hidden Intelligence) located in New Jersey
"The L2 Bracelet will help caregivers eat better, sleep better, function better, and most importantly care better! Without the worry of elopement on caregivers' minds they will be able to bond freely and enjoy their precious time with their special child! If I had this bracelet I would not be looking over my shoulder constantly, making sure the child entrusted in my care was safe. Instead I would be able to live, laugh, and love the child, all while keeping them safe and myself calm! No more fears, no more tears. The L2 Bracelet will be life-changing!"
Hindy Feigenbaum- L2 Bracelet Project Lead/Manager, Experienced Special Needs Counselor and Respite Coordinator
"I think the idea of a security bracelet for special needs kids is genius! I have a 5 year old who I cannot let out of my sight for even a second. In the house and out of the house. He will wander off. I would love to have the peace of mind of knowing he won't disappear at any given moment!"
Dina Steinberg, Mother of a Child with Special Needs
"As a teacher of children with special needs, I feel strongly that caregivers can greatly benefit from this life saving bracelet. This bracelet will provide a feeling of security and ease the anxiety that caregivers often feel about their special needs child's safety. As a first-hand witness of children running out of their homes and getting lost or endangering themselves, I know it is imperative for caregivers to be quickly alerted in order to be able to keep their child out of danger. A bracelet that links a caregiver to a child and alerts them of danger is an important and necessary tool that will relieve the stress that caregivers have when caring for a child with special needs."
Faige Mittleman MsEd, Teacher at MasterMinds- a Special Ed School in New York
"Amazing, life changing project! [It] Will have a big difference on the special needs world! [The L2 Bracelet] Would change my interaction with the autistic children I work with. They'd be able to roam as they wish without my every moment worrying they'll get lost" Autistic children will finally get to have their own space!"
Rachel Evans- Experienced Special Needs Counselor and Special Needs Respite Coordinator
"We do believe any product bringing safety features and attention to the issues of wandering/elopement in the autism community is a positive move!"